论文概念辨析:Aim 和 Objectives 有什么区别?

论文概念辨析:Aim 和 Objectives 有什么区别?

The aim of a study states the outcome that you hope to achieve from your study. It is a broad statement of the overall goals of your study and indicates where you hope to reach at the end of your research. The aim of your research encapsulates what you wish to find out or prove through your research.

研究的 Aim,是指你想从研究中获得的结果,比较泛地讲了研究想要做到什么地步,达到什么目的。你想通过研究证明什么、发现什么,都属于 Aim 的范畴。

On the other hand, research objectives lay down the steps, that is, the specific or direct actions that you will take to achieve your aim. The objectives of your research lay down specific milestones or stages that you will reach in order to accomplish your goals. While the aim is a broad goal that you wish to accomplish, the objectives are small, precise steps that will guide you through your research path. In other words, the aim of your research paper states what you wish to achieve and the objectives indicate how you will achieve them, by identifying specific steps or milestones.Depending on the type of document you are writing, you might need to provide an aim, objectives, or both.

而研究的 Objectives 更偏向于操作步骤,换句话说,就是为了实现 Aim 而采取的具体行动。作者要在 Objectives 中规划好各阶段的目标。如果说 Aim是大目标,Objectives 就是小步骤。Aim 表达的是你想干吗,而 Objectives 通过给出具体步骤来解释要怎么做。作者有时两样都得写,有时只用写其中一个,具体还是要看论文类型。

The following example will help you understand the two terms better.



Aim: To determine the antioxidative effect of XXX plant extract



  1. To test reactive oxygen species generation in the XXX cell line following treatment with XXX plant extract.
  2. To determine the activity of antioxidant enzymes SOD and CAT in arat model following treatment with XXX plant extract





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