美国心理学协会(American Psychological Association ,APA)[4]的系统更复杂,将论文分为三个类别:(a)一或两位作者;(b)三至五位作者;和(c)六位或更多作者。关于类别(b),APA的建议是第一次引用该文献时列出前三个名字,之后使用et al.,之后再引用时则只列出第一位作者的名称加上et al.。类别(c)的处理方式则是每次引用都只列出第一位作者的名称,然后加上et al.。
1. Day R A and Gastel B. 2006. How to Write and Publish a Research Paper, 6th edn. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. 320 pp.
2. University of Chicago Press. 2010. The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edn. 1026 pp.
3. https://authornet.cambridge.org/information/productionguide/stm/text.asp
4. American Psychological Association. 2009. Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th edn. Washington, DC: APA Press. 272 pp.