

【本文经 Tim van der Zee 许可改编,原文发表在他的博客上。】





Geoff Norman 说:我人生中的某些黑暗时刻,我可以说服我自己教育的所有主张是——

(a) 源自没有证据的来源(成人学习理论)

(b) 尽管有相反证据依然坚持自我(学习方式、自我检测技巧)或是

(c) 超过既存证据的支持范围

科研文献总是有偏见的。阳性结果大量发表,而阴性或无效研究结果在角落生灰尘1,2,这种偏见从什么论文被投出去到什么论文被发表等许多层级都存在3,4。换句话说,这诱使科研人员(有意或无意地)提出有问题的研究方法,例如做了很多统计检验,但只报告“成功”的那几个,这也称作 p 值操纵 (p-hacking)5。还有,科研人员经常对自己的研究结果提供带偏见的阐释6,例如,有将近 28% 的引用都是错的或是有误导性,这些通常都不会被发现,因为大部分的读者都不会检查参考文献7

当然不止这样,需要事先注册 protocol 的研究,如临床试验,通常都是源自没有报告结果或私自添加新结果的 protocol8,这些改变都有迹可循,但通常都偏向报告正面影响,隐藏负面影响9。不是只有临床试验这样,一般的已发表论文也经常含有不正确报告的统计,其中有 35% 是会直接影响结论的严重错误10,11,12。来自有产业介入的作者的 meta 分析大量被发表,但却没有报告注意事项13。而且,如果原来的研究本身质量不高,meta 分析并没有神奇的方法改变这件事(也就是garbage in, garbage out 理论)。这些研究素质低下的其中一个原因是缺乏对照组,或是更误导人的:不适当的对照组,有可能错误地带出安慰剂效应和其他已经被排除的解释14。要注意,这些问题不仅限于定量研究或(半)实证主义范式,从更自然的角度来看,与定性研究一样有关。











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  2. Franco, A., Malhotra, N., & Simonovits, G. (2014). Publication bias in the social sciences: Unlocking the file drawerScience345(6203), 1502-1505.
  3. Coursol, A., & Wagner, E. E. (1986). Effect of positive findings on submission and acceptance rates: A note on meta-analysis biasProfessional Psychology: Research and Practice, 17(2), 136-137
  4. Kerr, S., Tolliver, J., & Petree, D. (1977). Manuscript characteristics which influence acceptance for management and social science journalsAcademy of Management Journal20(1), 132-141.
  5. Head, M. L., Holman, L., Lanfear, R., Kahn, A. T., & Jennions, M. D. (2015). The extent and consequences of p-hacking in sciencePLoS Biol13(3).
  6. Brown, A. W., Brown, M. M. B., & Allison, D. B. (2013). Belief beyond the evidence: using the proposed effect of breakfast on obesity to show 2 practices that distort scientific evidenceThe American journal of clinical nutrition98(5), 1298-1308.
  7. Van der Zee, T. & Nonsense, B. S. (2016). It is easy to cite a random paper as support for anythingJournal of Misleading Citations33(2), 483-475.
  8. http://compare-trials.org/
  9. Jones, C. W., Keil, L. G., Holland, W. C., Caughey, M. C., & Platts-Mills, T. F. (2015). Comparison of registered and published outcomes in randomized controlled trials: a systematic reviewBMC medicine13(1), 1.
  10. Bakker, M., & Wicherts, J. M. (2011). The (mis) reporting of statistical results in psychology journalsBehavior Research Methods43(3), 666-678.
  11. Nuijten, M. B., Hartgerink, C. H., van Assen, M. A., Epskamp, S., & Wicherts, J. M. (2015). The prevalence of statistical reporting errors in psychology (1985–2013). Behavior research methods, 1-22.
  12. Nonsense, B. S., & Van der Zee, T. (2015). The reported thirty-five percent is incorrect, it is approximately fifteen percentThe Journal of False Statistics33(2), 417-424.
  13. Ebrahim, S., Bance, S., Athale, A., Malachowski, C., & Ioannidis, J. P. (2015). Meta-analyses with industry involvement are massively published and report no caveats for antidepressantsJournal of clinical epidemiology.
  14. Boot, W. R., Simons, D. J., Stothart, C., & Stutts, C. (2013). The pervasive problem with placebos in psychology why active control groups are not sufficient to rule out placebo effectsPerspectives on Psychological Science8(4), 445-454.
  15. Collier, D., & Mahoney, J. (1996). Insights and pitfalls: Selection bias in qualitative researchWorld Politics49(01), 56-91.
  16. Golafshani, N. (2003). Understanding reliability and validity in qualitative researchThe qualitative report8(4), 597-606.
  17. Sandelowski, M. (1986). The problem of rigor in qualitative researchAdvances in nursing science8(3), 27-37.





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