问题: PLOS ONE 要我共享数据,实际要做些什么?

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编辑部内部给出的问题,不知道怎么解决: 1. Thank you for providing the Data Availability Statement: "All relevant data are within the paper" Please note that the PLOS ONE data sharing policy requires that any data that would be required to replicate your study's findings be publicly shared. Please provide the individual data points behind means, medians, and variance measures presented in the results, tables, and figures, and not just those summary statistics (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/s/data-availability#loc-faqs-for-data-policy). This data set should be uploaded to a stable, public repository or included as Supporting Information files. A list of recommended repositories may be found at http://journals.plos.org/plosone/s/data-availability#loc-recommended-repositories. If you deposit your data within a repository, please provide a DOI or accession number at which your data may be accessed.
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根据 PLOS ONE 的数据共享政策,你需要公开分享你的数据。从邮件中看来,你不能只提供数据摘要 (summary statistics),还需要提供其他统计推导背后的数据,如平均数、中位数、方差等,而且是个别的数据集。你可以将整个数据集当作支持信息,将其上传到投稿系统中相对应的资料夹,然后邮件告知编辑。

如果数据集太大,没有办法放到资料夹中,你就需要上传到公开数据资料库中,例如 arXivfigshareDryad 等。待上传完成后,你需要提供可以存取数据的许可给编辑。大部分的公开资料库通常都会有 DOI,那么你提供 DOI 号给编辑就可以了。如果资料库并没有 DOI,就会有登录号,你提供该编号给编辑就可以。



