在线讲座: [专家座谈在线直播]同行评审面临的挑战与展望


What the live panel discussion is about

Peer Review, despite being an integral and decisive part of the publishing process is rife with challenges and struggle. In this live panel discussion, we talk to experts and take a closer look at the many challenges to help understand the way forward. Join us on September 20, 2019 at 8:00 am EST to discuss everything from the origin of peer review, the need for diversity of submitting authors, and peer reviewer training. 

Date and Time: September 20, 2019, 8 AM EST


Alice Meadows – Director of Communications, ORCID

Alice is a well-known name in scholarly publishing circles. Along with taking charge of ORCID’s global communications strategy, she also regularly contributes to the Scholarly Kitchen blog and is an integral part of the Peer Review Week organizing committee, as a co-chair. Alice has some great views about peer review and it would be really interesting to hear them.


Bahar Mehmani – Reviewer Experience Lead, Elsevier

Bahar’s current role gives her a lot of great insights into peer review and how both journals and authors deal with it. She is also the co-chair of the 2019 Peer Review Week organizing committee. Bahar has worked on several projects and authored several really interesting publications related to various aspects of the scholarly publishing system.


Jo Røislien – Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Jo Røislien is a renowned research and science communicator. He developed and hosted the popular science show “Siffer” (“Digits”) on NRK, and was the first ever Norwegian to be a host on Discovery Channel. Jo is also one of the experts behind the advanced modules in the Editage training course for peer reviewers, where Jo shares some great tips on reviewing statistics.


Clarinda Cerejo – Editor-in-Chief, Editage Insights

In her current role, Clarinda is busy ensuring that the global Editage Insights platform serves the learning needs of authors. Her current focus is on building a close-knit community of researchers bound by each other’s experiences. Clarinda is passionate about scholarly publishing and has met and interacted with several industry professionals online and offline. She will moderate this panel discussion and will focus on highlighting the unique perspective of each of the panelists.

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