- 文章
- 热门
- 作为科研论文的营销要素,一篇论文如果没有标题、摘要和关键词,可能就没有人会读,甚至可能不会被看到。
- 好的论文标题(通常介于10至12个单词)会使用叙述性词语,精确点出论文的核心内容。
- 摘要应该要快速总结整篇论文的内容,帮助读者决定是否要将整篇论文看完。
- 关键词能让你的论文好好地被数据库收录,因此应该经过审慎思考才选定关键词。

- 大多数的搜索引擎、数据库或期刊网站利用你的题目、摘要及一系列关键词来决定是否及何时向目标读者显示你的论文1,2,5-8。因此,这三个要素是保证论文及时效传播的关键;否则,论文将无法被读者发现,显然就更谈不上引用你的论文。
- 题目和摘要通常是一篇论文唯一可免费在线阅读的部分。1,9因此,读者找到你的论文后,将通过阅读标题和摘要决定是否购买整篇论文或继续阅读。2-4
- 最后,摘要是期刊编辑和评审员阅读的论文的第一部分。事务繁忙的编辑可能通过摘要来决定是否将论文送出进行同行评审或予以拒稿,而评审专家则通过阅读摘要形成对论文的第一印象。10
- My paper studies whether X therapy improves the cognitive function of patients suffering from dementia.
- It was a randomized trial.
- I studied 40 cases from six cities in China.
- There was an improvement in the cognitive function of patients.
- X therapy
- Randomized trial
- Dementia
- 6 Chinese cities
- 40 cases
- Improved cognitive function
3. 使用关键词造句:
This study is a randomized trial that investigates whether X therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in Japan; it reports improved cognitive function. (28字)
4. 删去赘字(如:study of、investigates)以及重复字;连结剩下句子。
This study is a randomized trial that investigates whether X therapy improved cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in China; it reports improved cognitive functionRandomized trial of X therapy for improving cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in Japan (18字)
5. 删去不必要信息后再润色
Randomized trial of X therapy for improving cognitive function in 40 dementia patients from 6 cities in China reports improved cognitive function
Randomized trial of X therapy for improving cognitive function in 40 dementia patients (13字)
X therapy improves cognitive function in 40 dementia patients: A randomized trial (12字)
- 描述性摘要通常用于社会科学和人文学,不提供关于研究方法和结论的具体信息。13,14
- 资料性摘要通常用于科技论文,介绍关于研究背景、目的、方法、结果和结论的信息。13,14
- 结构式摘要是以信息为主的摘要,由一系列标题组成(如:研究目的、方法、结果、结论)9,15,16,主要用于医学论文和临床试验报告。
- 从引言和结论部分挑选主要的研究目标/假设和结论,回答问题“你要解决什么问题?”和“你这样做的动机是什么?”
- 从方法部分选择关键句和短语,用以回答问题“你如何实现你的研究目的?”。
- 列出结果部分的主要研究结果,以展示你的研究成果。
- 从论文结论的角度回答问题“你的研究有什么意义?”
- 按照以下顺序将步骤1、2、3和4 中选择的句子和短语整理成单独一个段落:引言、方法、结果和结论。
- 确保本段落的完整性1,2,7,12 且不包含以下内容1-3,7,12:
- 论文中未涉及的信息
- 图表
- 缩写词
- 文献评论或参考引文
- 将句子贯穿起来。
- 确保摘要以一般过去时撰写1,7,17,并检查信息组织是否流畅,最好按照以下顺序:目的、所用的基本研究设计/技术、主要成果、结论和意义。
- 检查最终完成的摘要
- 所含信息与论文中提供的信息一致。
- 符合目标期刊的规定(字数限制、摘要类型等)。
- 无打字错误,否则评审员和编辑可能会“判定论文质量较差,应该予以拒绝”。 10
- 通读论文,列出文中反复使用的术语/短语。
- 确保列出所有的主要关键术语/短语和其它一些关键词。
- 列出术语/短语的变体(如:kidney和renal)、药物名称、程序等。
- 列出术语的常用缩写词(如:HIV)。
- 检索本学科领域的常用词汇/术语表或索引标准,并确保你所用的术语与这些资源中的术语一致。
- 最后,在投稿前,将关键词输入搜索引擎并查看显示结果是否与你的论文主题相匹配。这将帮助你确定所用的关键词是否适用于你的论文主题。
- Department of Biology, Bates College. The Structure, Format, Content, and Style of a Journal-Style Scientific Paper. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://abacus.bates.edu/~ganderso/biology/resources/writing/HTWsections.html.
- Day R and GastelB. How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper, 6thEdition. Westport, Connecticut:Greenwood Press, 2006.
- Taylor & Francis Author Services. Writing your article. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://journalauthors.tandf.co.uk/preparation/writing.asp.
- KoopmanP. How to Write an Abstract. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/essays/abstract.html.
- SAGE Publications. Help Readers Find Your Article. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://www.uk.sagepub.com/journalgateway/findArticle.htm.
- Bem DJ. Writing the empirical journal article. In MP Zanna& JM Darley (Eds.), The Complete Academic: A Practical Guide for the Beginning Social Scientist (pp. 171-201). New York: Random House, 1987.
- Fathalla M and Fathalla M. A Practical Guide for Health Researchers. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://www.emro.who.int/dsaf/dsa237.pdf.
- CoghillA and Garson L (Eds.).Scientific Papers. In A Coghill& L Garson (Eds.), The ACS Style Guide, 3rdEdition (pp. 20–21).New York: Oxford University Press, 2006T
- International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals: Writing and editing for biomedical publication [Accessed: June 14, 2011] Available from: http://www.ICMJE.org.
- SatyanarayanaK. How to Write a Research Paper.Proceedings of11th Workshop on Medical Informatics & CME on Biomedical Communication, 2008; 44–48.
- Rhodes W. Guest Editorial: The Abstract as a Marketing Tool. Optical Engineering, 2010; 49:7.
- Nadim A.How to Write a Scientific Paper? Ain Shams Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2005; 2:256–258.
- The University of Adelaide. Writing an Abstract. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://www.adelaide.edu.au/clpd/all/learning_guides/learningGuide_writingAnAbstract.pdf.
- The Writing Center, University of North Carolina. Abstracts. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://writingcenter.unc.edu/handouts/abstracts/.
- US National Library of Medicine. Structured Abstracts. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/policy/structured_abstracts.html
- Emerald Group Publishing Limited. How to Write an Abstract. [Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/authors/guides/write/abstracts.htm.
- Cordova S. How to Write a Scientific Paper.[Accessed: July 20, 2011] Available from: http://www.nmas.org/JAhowto.html.
- Council of Science Editors. Journal Style and Format. In Council of Science Editors(Eds.),Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers,7th Edition (p. 460). Reston, VA: Rockefeller University Press, 2006.