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科研写作:10 个缩短文章长度的方法

1. 以 there is a previous study on、it has been reported that 或其他类似的句型开头的句子通常都会引用一些文献,使得句子较累赘,可以将这些短语删除,仅留下引用文献。
原文:It has been reported that the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease increases with age (Rogue et al., 2004). (17 字)
修改后:It has been reported that tThe incidence of Alzheimer’s disease increases with age (Rogue et al., 2004). (12 字)
2. 含有产品名称的句子可以将产品名放进括号里。
原文:The samples were analyzed on the ABC spectrophotometer (Zhejiang Scientific, Zhejiang, China) to determine the xyz values. (17 字)
修改后:The samples were analyzed on the ABC spectrophotometer to determine the xyz values (ABC spectrometer; Zhejiang Scientific, Zhejiang, China). (15 字)
3. 将动词名词化能有效使句子变华丽,试着把这类的字找出来。以下例句借着把 diagnosis 替换成 diagnosed 将句子变短了。
原文:A diagnosis of cancer was made on the basis of the findings. (12 字)
修改后:A diagnosis of cCancer was diagnosedmade on the basis of the findings. (9 字)
4. 在“结果”章节,避免用群组数据加上统计相关性,可以直接把数据放进括号里。
原文:The protein level was 5 mg in Group A, while it was 3 mg in Group B, the difference being statistically significant (p < 0.05). (25 字)
修改后:The difference in the protein level was 5 mg in between Ggroups A and B, while it was 3 mg in Group b, the difference being statistically was significant (5 mg vs. 3 mg, p < 0.05). (21 字)
5. 检查是否能删除一些对读者来说理所当然的基本信息,作者通常在“介绍与讨论”部分以叙述性内容开头,虽说建构上下文很重要,但也许并不是很必要。例如你在写有关 AIDS 的研究论文,不要用像 AIDS is a life-threatening disease.(AIDS是种致命的疾病)这样的句子开头。
6. 检查典型的赘词,用简洁的表述替代。以下提供一些范例:
A number of - several
As a result - therefore
On the other hand - whereas
As a consequence of - owing to
7. 在英文文法里,可以用“省略结构”免去在一个句子里重复出现的动词。
Group A was given cyclosporine, Group B was given FK506, and Group C was given chlorambucil. (16 字)
修改后:Group A was given cyclosporine; Group B, was given FK506; and Group C, was given chlorambucil. (12 字)
8. 大部分像 MS Office 这样的软件将连字符号串联的字算成一个字,可以考虑多利用连字符。
原文:After rehabilitation, the patients came to rely on themselves. (9 字)
修改后:After rehabilitation, the patients became self-reliantto rely on themselves (6 字)
原文:Written informed consent was given by all patients. (8 字)
修改后:All patients gave Wwritten informed consent was given by all patients. (6 字)
10. 避免用 of 表示所有格。
原文:Patients of Group 1 were followed up for 6 months, and those of Group 2, for 12 months. (18 字)
修改后:Patients of Group 1 patients were followed up for 6 months, whileand those of Group 2 patientswere followed up, for 12 months. (15 字)