过去几年来,我遇到许多母语非英语的作者常犯的一些语言错误,用字/词的错误可能会使读者感到困惑或是误导他们。 为了排除这些可能的困惑,我先前已经有一篇博文讨论过写作时容易搞混的词汇,这次延续这个主题,继续讨论几个这样的词汇。
1] Number vs Amount
amount 是用在不可数名词上,像是钱、信息、时间等。
例句:We received an enormous amount of help from our university.
number 用于可数名词,像是工作、样本、机器等。
例句:I had a small number of specimens left.
number 和 amount 的使用是根据所形容的名词是否可数,因此彼此间并无法相互替代。
hypothesis 是根据知识与经验的猜想,尚未经过测试或证明。
例句:His hypothesis was that giving his students less work would increase their test scores.
theory 是已经被重复测试并有证据支持的科学思想。
例句:Scientists hold the theory of evolution in high regard.
一个增强辨识能力的方法是把 hypothesis 想成构建 theory 的第一步,因为任何的科学理论都是源自于有逻辑的猜想。
discreet 意指小心、不引起注意。
例句:Discreet observation of the patient enabled the doctors to draw vital conclusions.
discrete 意指分开或差距。
例句:The organisms can be classified into discrete categories.
这 2 个字因为拼写接近所以经常被搞混,不过他们的字义大相径庭,使用时一定要注意。这种发音接近但字义与拼法不同的词称作“同音词(homophones)”
4] Old vs Original
例句:Some old theories suggested that the earth was flat.
另一方面,original 是指同类中的第一个或被复制的第一个版本,例如 the original statement、the original work of art。
例句:The team replicated the original research to confirm its validity.
避免使用:As we had stated in the old manuscript, each patient was administered the same dosage during the study period.
较好的用法:As we had stated in the original manuscript, each patient was administered the same dosage during the study period.
以上范例是在说一个已经修改的文件,因此 original 比 old 更为适合用来形容这个文件。
5] As a result vs Based on the results
as a result 表示由于,用于表达一事件是另一项事情的起因。
例句:The results of the experiment were inconclusive. As a result, the research had to be repeated.
而 based on the results 和 the results revealed是表示根据特定结果得到的。
例句:Based on the results of the experiment, we concluded that bats are nocturnal creatures.
as a result、based on the results 或 the results revealed 各有不同的意思,因此无法替换使用。